Growing up during adolescence can be a painful experience. Teens undergo a number of changes affecting their bodies, relationships, and emotions. Many adolescents experience feelings of inadequacy, with their perceived worth measured by academic performance, acceptance from peers, or followers on social media. One of the greatest lies teens tell themselves is a variation of the following statement: “Nobody gets me.” Because of this, victory is only found when they are no longer standing alone.

While individual or family therapy are both effective forms of treatment, I’ve found that many teens really benefit from participating in groups. Here are some reasons why groups are beneficial for teens:

1. Groups allow teens to practice how to express their thoughts and feelings among like-minded peers and a trusted adult instead of holding them in– or expressing them exclusively through text, email, Facebook, Instagram, or SnapChat.

2. Teens feel understood and validated by their peers regarding their experiences, challenges, and frustrations with navigating adolescence.

3. Teens are introduced to valuable tools to cope with the stressors and problems, including their mood, confidence, relationships, conflict, or school.

4. They gain awareness regarding themselves, their relationships, and social environments.

5. They develop more confidence to be themselves rather than trying to turn themselves into someone else they perceive would be more accepted, liked, or understood.

6. They have access to knowledge about various topics impacting their population and generation in order to increase their health, safety, and well-being.

7. They learn to problem solve with the support and feedback in a group setting that challenges them to look at their issues with a different outlook than before.

8. They socialize with their peers in group by sharing their opinions, asking questions, and processing their experiences.

9. They decrease the anxiety of meeting new people and communicating with others in real time.

There are so many reasons why groups are highly effective. Why don’t you give one a try and discover the benefits for yourself?! For more information about our groups, check out this link or contact our front desk at 720-489-8555.

Stephanie Ratner, LCSW is offering a Girl’s Group this summer. She regularly works with teens in group settings and is excited to offer this at Grace Counseling.