In February, our counselor Tricia Ebel was featured on Girl Above’s podcast.  According to their website, “Girl Above is a non-profit created to inspire young women to live counter-culturally, authentically, and confidently through finding their identity in Christ.”

Tricia shares with the listeners of the podcast about the importance of attachment and how to apply this concept to your parenting style or healing journey in therapy.  She explains the topic of attachment and helps parents feel empowered to connect with their children, and shows how understanding attachment can help your teenager thrive in a difficult, challenging culture.

This podcast is valuable not just for parents of young girls, but also for young women seeking to understand who they are and why they behave the way they do.  Tricia shares how she uses these concepts to counsel the teens and adults in her practice, and also explains why this information is so powerful. She shares the importance of letting go of your own shame and the value of looking at what you need in order to be able to give others what they need.

The podcast, Attachment Styles and Knowing Your Own Story, is available to listen to on iTunes at no charge.

For more information on Girl Above, their mission, and to see more about their other podcasts, visit their website. For more information on Tricia Ebel, and for links to her blogs, check out her biography.  To request an appointment with Tricia or any of our counselors, click here or call our front desk at (720) 489-8555.