The main difference between online and in-person counseling involves experiencing the direct presence of your therapist when meeting face to face.  The distance through your screen can make subtle nonverbal cues difficult to notice, and you may feel a slight difference in personal connection, just as they way you feel limited when speaking to a loved one over the phone or video call.  Meeting in person can more greatly enhance your therapist’s ability to understand what words sometimes struggle to describe.  Because of this, we recommend the use of video during online sessions whenever possible.  Phone calls do not show any nonverbal cues (facial expressions or body language) and can sometimes limit the therapist’s ability to accurately understand your communication.  However, as mentioned above, the success of an online session is greatly connected to your intentional engagement during treatment.  Finally, despite the personal distance between you and your therapist, other aspects of therapy remain unchanged including the quality of your care, the nature of therapy, and the unique implementation of your treatment.