Reintegration Therapy

Reintegration therapy is often used in high-conflict domestic and custody cases or complicated family situations; a court may order that a therapist assists in reuniting a child and parent when the parent has been absent from the child’s life.

This could be due to:

  • a history of drug and alcohol problems
  • allegations of child abuse
  • parental alienation
  • other factors that impact the child’s safety

Here is an overview of the process of reintegration.

A therapist first meets with each parent and child individually and then determines the best course of action and treatment plan for the family. Reintegration therapy is not individual therapy, and it is often recommended that each party have an individual therapist as well.

The reintegration counselor will work with your family to determine the best steps forward to help with healing, forgiveness, and reconciliation.

If you or someone you love is looking for a counselor that offers reintegration therapy in the South Denver area, there are several in our office. We can offer a mix of individual and family sessions to best address your family’s needs. You and your counselor will decide what is best for you.

Because Grace Counseling has many counselors, we can meet your family’s needs in one convenient, familiar location. To request an appointment with one of our reintegration counselors, call (720) 489-8555 or click here.

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Contact one of our Reintegration Specialists:

Dr. Mike Kragt, Ph.D., CAS Licensed Psychologist, Executive Director

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