
Shame and a person’s experience of it can make an individual feel trapped, unworthy, and unlovable.

Counseling and therapy helps alleviate feelings of shame by bringing them into the light in a safe and supportive environment. This free resource on Understanding Shame gives practical next steps when working to understand, navigate, and overcome shame.

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Struggles and questions related to sex, sexuality and all the feelings that come along way can be the hardest to talk about with your friends and family, and are even sometimes the hardest to come to God with. You may be feeling confused about your feelings, or ashamed, or both.

The last thing we want at Grace Counseling is to compound those feelings. We want to help you work through your feelings of confusion or shame or anything else you might be feeling regarding sex or sexuality in your life and help you to have healthy feelings and associations so that it doesn’t get in the way of your relationships with others in your lives and in the way of your relationship with God.

We know the various feelings and issues related to sex, sexuality, and relationships are delicate and private.  We understand this reality at Grace Counseling and also strive to help you feel the most comfortable. Counselors keep everything you say in complete privacy; then they can help sort through what you’re experiencing and feeling.

The counselors at Grace Counseling are correspondingly trained to help with a range of issues surrounding this topic. We are also sensitive to the unique challenges these issues bring.  We can help you in a judgment-free environment.

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Contact one of our Sexuality Specialists:

Dr. Rob Gibson, Psy.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist

Gabriel Pfeiffer, M.A., LPC, NCC Licensed Professional Counselor

Read Blogs from our Clinicians on Sexuality: