-Written by Kelsey Garren, MA, LPCC

I hope you cherish every moment.

Every moment of discovery, every moment of success, every moment of failure, of pain, of sorrow, of loneliness, of joy, of longing, of bliss, of love. I hope you embrace today, and every day, for what it is. Facing it in strength. Your strength.

Facing it with determination and appreciation. Today marks the first official day of the rest of your life and with every new today I hope you continue to press towards seeking what you want in life. I hope you stay open to what the world and what people and what life has to offer. I hope you stay open to how the world and how people and how life will shape you and guide you and mold you and challenge you. I hope you continue to walk forward into who you are. I hope you grow, as I know you will. Today you can be whatever you want to be, and I hope your choices go well. I hope it blesses you. I hope your todays will be all you’ve ever wanted them to be and I hope you always strive to make them more.

I hope you trust yourself.

I hope you learn the balance of tending to your feelings and know when your mind needs to come first. I hope you enjoy the richness of being present and of externalizing the details. I hope you get caught up in silly things that waste your time and remind you how rich it feels to really laugh. I hope you smile. I hope you are blessed with brothers and sisters and friends and mentors. With teammates and lifelong supporters. I hope you trust people to keep you accountable, I hope you choose wisely who to open up to but nonetheless that you open up to someone.

I hope you take pride in everything you do.

I hope you give life your all. I hope you always look at things differently. I hope you never settle for what’s handed to you. I hope you give everything in life one chance and I hope you learn what doesn’t deserve a second one. I hope you guard your heart but live and love with passion overflowing. I hope you get knocked down a couple of times so you realize how capable you really are. To begin to regret less and to never give up on yourself.

I hope you always overcome.

I hope you look for opportunities that others don’t see. I hope you take time to rest. I hope you never take anything too seriously. I hope you seek help; I hope you seek God. I hope you know I am proud of you. Today, and every day, believe you are enough and that you can do it. You can do life. I hope you walk into today with every intention to reach for the stars. To live a life full of starts and appreciate the finishes.

Every morning is a new beginning to continue being exactly as you are and to make changes at the very same time.

Every new beginning is an end to something else, there will be many ends and many beginnings with this new morning. And for what lies in between- make it beautiful.

Here’s to you. Experience life. Go get ‘em.

Kelsey Garren, M.A., LPCC, NCC works with children, teenagers, parents, and families at Grace Counseling to learn new skills and grow together. Kelsey specializes in issues that arise with identity and how they can affect a child’s self-esteem and self-worth. Grace Counseling offers counseling in the South Denver area. To request an appointment with her or any of our counselors, click here or call (720) 489-8555.