-Written by Sarah Harrison, M.A., LMFT

Trying to find joy when life isn’t working out the way you want it to can seem like a daunting task. You may feel like you don’t have the energy, resources, or even know where to look to start. 

The good news is you don’t have to seek grand experiences to find joy. Sure, it feels good to conquer a difficult hike or lay on the beach in Hawaii. But joy can come from the small things that add up! Take time to breathe in all the beauty in this world. Can you think of a particularly beautiful stretch of scenery that you drive by or know of? Take yourself there and get out. Take it in. See it, smell it, touch it if possible.

Take joy in thanking God for giving this moment to you. 

You may have been wearing those dark glasses too long during this difficult time and now it’s time to take them off. Write a list of 5 things you are thankful for every day. It can be as small as the weather or lunch you ate. Write about a moment, conversation, memory, or a gift past or present that you are thankful for. Don’t tell yourself you have no energy. You are energy! Get up, move around, put on some invigorating music, stretch, stand, and go for a walk. When the body leads the mind will follow. Smile at someone. Give yourself and others words of love and encouragement. Tell them you think they’re wonderful. When you give gifts of love to others, you give them to yourself. 

Remember to laugh!

Learn the power of humor and it will make the road you travel much more fun. Laughter changes our faces and even our biochemistry. Put on a funny movie and try to be around others when you can. Try something new. Our brains love novel experiences so finding something you have never done is a great way to get boosts of joy in our lives. Going to a pet store just to play with puppies is full of free hits of dopamine. Take a class, read a new book, learn a new skill, paint a wall in your home, mix things up! 

Give yourself permission to put yourself first and be intentional on the path to finding joy. Joy will come to us even in the most difficult times in life when we purposefully seek it. Trust even the bleak times, that when you reach the end of the tunnel you will know why this all had to be.

Sarah Harrison, M.A., LMFT works with children of all ages, families, and couples to tackle the issues that arise within different family dynamics. She also performs reintegration therapy and psychological evals for those estranged from their family that is looking to reconnect. If you or someone you love is interested in seeking out help here in the South Denver Area, consider booking an appointment with Sarah by calling 720.489.8555 or by contacting our general admin.