-Written by Michael Kragt, Ph.D., CAS

We are finally at a place in our society where the world has accepted that our mental health is important and needs attention. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, friends, and family members are all quick to recommend seeing a therapist when they encounter someone struggling with their mental health.

However, one of the biggest barriers for individuals who want to see a therapist is the price tag. People hear what the market rates for therapists are, do some quick math, and determine they will have to manage their struggles on their own.

I have some great news for you! There are options available for getting therapy at an affordable price. Many therapists will reduce their fees for a certain percentage of their clientele. Many churches will help pay for therapy if they know about your struggle and you ask for help. Some counseling centers have training programs where you can get great therapy from a student intern who is under the supervision of a licensed mental health professional. Grace Counseling also has a Scholarship Fund designed specifically to offset the costs of therapy for those who need some extra financial help.

I have even more good news for you! Grace Counseling has made the process for getting therapy at an affordable price super easy. Go to our website at www.gracecounseling.net and simply click the Financial Aid tab on the top right corner of the home page. Follow the simple prompts and this tool will match you with the available and affordable options for getting started with therapy.

Your mental health matters.

Now that you know money doesn’t have to be a barrier, take the courageous step to find a therapist who can help. If you would like to schedule an intake session with one of our reduced-fee therapists and interns, contact us here or call 720.489.8555.